Saturday, October 9, 2010

Spirit taking up other forms ( reach truck and palet and caton boxes)

Working in a warehouse infested with spirits

Yin and Yang is balanced by God not humans

I think, spirits like to have fun, when i first saw the spirits it was in humans and monsters, they mean no harm, i know they mean no harm because they did not harm me in any way, but to show themselves, they were happy, and often smiling to me. My reaction was as usual if some smile, I smile too. They getting bored and appeared in folk lift, lift truck, and also pallet with cartons. I found them amusing. It gave me the impression that spirits were friendly.

Before I worked in this warehouse, I had a bad impression about spirit. Like everyone I thought spirit were harmful, frightening, and we need talisman, amulet, and all kinds of God protection. Now I know spirit is another low energy protector, also using yin instead, but yin is not a bad energy just an energy to balance with the yang. But if someone abuse the yin and yang just to earn a living, and feed the the family then it is sinfully. We leave God creations alone, allow the creations to balance the earth energy.

In the past I blame all my problem on either the God were not protecting me, or the spirit was giving me a hard life. I learn that the balance energy in actual help me to have a happy life. If there there is too much of one energy and too little of the other we have not balance our mind or mind-set we become depress, unsettled, and aggressive for no reason. We are just unhappy, we called bad blood in the body. I always ask the spirits to protect me, not to allow the people surrounding harm me, and protect me against my boss.

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