Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Long ago in Hotel Royal. Toa Chee Poh Foo Wah Kim

Big pussy Foo Wah Kim
11pm to 7am shift

The coffee maker Foo Wah Kim.

This middle age woman got her name big chee bye because at her age she was interested in men half her age. She bullied the service staff and gave then stale breadrolls for coffee breaks. She was a coffee maker and scolded everyone who ordered coffee for customers. She had conflicts with redifussion a lady who reported every thing to the boss. Rediffussion died from disease.

Big Pussy Kim slept in the work area, she used her legs to block the path so no one could take her coffee. One day she was throw off the chair, she had a nasty fall. She was sleeping and everyone said Rediffussion threw her because she was unable to get her favorite coffee. She believed that it was Rediffussion who threw her to the ground.

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