Monday, November 22, 2010

My Mother, living in the 50's, in the village

My mother

I lived in the village during my childhood days. Our family is huge 10 persons including my parents. I lived in the farm. My job was feeding the mother pigs, the chicken and collecting the chicken eggs. I cleaned the the chicken poo poo during the school holidays, this was the worst job because i had to carry the poo poo with my hands and it was very smelly. The chicken were not kept in cages but they were allowed to run freely, At night the chicken slept in a chicken house. I had to stand on the droppings which was 15cm to 20cm thick, I removed the droppings until the floor was cleaned. The chicken rested in a huge house, stood on stairs built like pyramid shaped. I showers the pigs and cleaned their poo poo. I also collected saw dust from the saw mill factory the factory making wooden clod. I chopped fire wood for home cooking. I also sweep the dried leaves. This job compared to the work my mother did was just a portion.

The villagers had a easy way to tame their children since there were plenty of farm work and plenty of children. The cane did the taming. She took the cane and cane until her hand is tired and had no more strength to carry on. I saw my neighbor a girl, her father beat her with fire wood, when I compared the punishment, I often tell myself I was very lucky. This was the way the villagers teached their children, they did not talked but used the firewood, or the cane. There was not question asked. Did my mother physically abused me when I was a child.

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