Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Talk is cheap

Just talking

People talk

What are the things the person talks about.

There was a person I met a few years back.
Ok, to talk about personnel achievements, the talks were not just one conversation, but repeated very day. He worked with me, so he told me the same thing everyday. I just entertained him as he was like this.

One day he told me he knew a person in the community centre and wanted to intruduce to me to help me get a license to teach in the community centre, when the person named johnny, introduced himself, I realized that he had not met Johnny before. Never mind that, now instead of allowing me to talk about my purpose of visit, he talked about his past "achievement". I had little chance to talk. I managed to get my question answered in between his "talking time".

It was not over yet, he returned to office, told everyone how dumb I was, and said I could not even talked and said how could I teach. Everyday he told everyone in the workplace how dumb I was and a dumb person wanted to teach! This carried on until he was transfer to another place, but he told everyone who knew me, I was a dumb person and wanted to teach. I wanted to teach cooking, cooking knowledges were require for this job, I don't need the ability to tell lies, just to teach students to cook. Learn by watching and explaining the cooking methods and why I was doing it. Maybe I don't talk more then required. The main things were able to cook after the lessons. I had be teaching my cooks who work with me for more then 30 years, everyone knew I can cook and teach. I was the chef for a long time, I teach cooks in my kitchen.

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