Friday, March 18, 2011

Act of God or Humans




The weak formation of the soil in the earth, or the earth movements cause natural disaster such as earthquakes, tsunami, and volcano.

A tsunami is also an earthquake, it happened in the ocean. The tsunami cause the movement of seawater up the land. Death can be prevented, countries in the tsunami zones have install pre- tsunami warnings and the people move to higher ground and away from the sea or oceans. An earth quake is the same tsunami, pre-earthquake warning to inform the people to get to safety.

The volcano is also a formation in the earth. People have to move to safe place.

The volcano, earthquake, and tsunami destroy. Everything in it's way and the happening is called Act of God.

Created by science the greatest killer

Nuclear energies when leak into atmosphere. Destroy everything in it's way,
Happen in Russia and Japan.

In Japan the scientists, overlooked the most important safety measures. Earthquakes and tsunami, can destroy the nuclear plants, when water get in the plants the computers stop functioning and over heating causes the Plant to melt and explore and nuclear energies to escape killing everything in it way.

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