Sunday, February 27, 2011

My mother in law

When the time was up

Mother-in-law was a diabetic. She also survive a stomach cancer.

A low level sugar happened and she was taken by ambulance to hospital. Nurse advice us to put a bottle of honey beside her.
She recovered, I brought a bottle if honey and placed on the table.

A low level sugar happened again. This time, she was telling us, my father-in-law, and my grand father came.
Trying to bring her back, I tried using Taoist energy on her, and the next day, she was completely recovered and looking forward to returned home. She went home, came to our place to my place, my grandson celebrated his 1st birthday. A month later she was low in sugar again. Her condition did not improved, I tried using energy, included my wife Taoist energy it did not get better and pass at the age of 79 years old.

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