Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Don't speak bad things about others or else the mouth go cloak

My mother often say this words

Remember the teaching of mother.

It is just a saying, it may just be a stroke, that a person speak become effected

There was a person at work. Since he was having the same name and same surname with me and he was a few year my senior, I more or less show him some respect, or he talk me into believing that he knew alot. I was trying to teach cooking in community center. He told me he know a man who can help me to get a license to teach. We met a man in the man office. He told me the man was his friend. He came to us and introduced himself, this friend of mine don't even know him. We went into the office. Instead of allowing me to talk about the teach things, he talked about himself and there was no chance or time i can talk talk about my purpose of meeting him, any how I managed to get the information I needed.

Back in the office and behind my back, he told everyone, that I can not talk, I wanted to teach and darenot to talk. The talk ended when he was transferred to another place, at least, no one told me he was talking about me.

Many years later, I met him at the neighborhood center,He was talking alot, but he had speech problem, and his suffer from a stoke.

He eat alot, I ate one bowl of food and he ate two bowl. He also talk alot. He did not change, still talk alot, but with distorted words and having problem with words.

Remember my mother's words. Maybe the consequence of lying.

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